Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thoughts on Fatherhood: Pleasantly Suprised

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I have long looked forward to fatherhood.  I imagined myself spending time with my son or daughter, teaching him/her about life, love, and the mystery of God.  I imagined myself answering questions about the world we live in.  I imagined myself taking him/her out to explore the wonders of creation on little journeys of discovery.  I knew that to get to that point I would have to have a newborn child.  I knew that there would be nights of crying, piles of dirty diapers, and all the like.  What I never expected is that I would so love having a newborn.  I never expected to appreciate the opportunity to hold and console an over-tired little boy.  I never expected to jump at the opportunity to change a diaper or give a bath.  I never imagined that I would wish for nothing more in my afternoon than to sit with my son and trade faces and sounds with him.  I never imagined that a little child with nothing to offer but need would have so much to share with me, would elicit so much love. 

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1 comment:

  1. Tyler, congratulations on the birth of your son! Isn't it wonderful how life can change so much with the birth of a child but how but they can bring so much joy.
