Monday, October 19, 2009

A Strange Nocturnal Sojourn: how do we pass the hours?

Most evenings after dinner my lovely wife and I go for an evening stroll. It's a chance to spend time together and share our thoughts or events of the day with each other. Last night we ended up going for the walk a little later than normal. The sun was already down by the time we headed out for our stroll through the neighbourhood. As it was later than normal the walk was a little different than otherwise. The first difference was the flashing light that my wife clipped to the back of my jacket. I felt a little like that dog with the silly cone on his head who has to endure the other dogs looking and silently snickering (you have to know that they do). The other difference was how quiet it was out: not much traffic either vehicular or pedestrian to speak of. As we strolled the quiet streets we became keenly aware of where everyone else was. The vast majority the houses we passed had this strange flickering bluish light radiating from behind the window blinds. From those houses with their blinds open (and with huge HD screens) we realized what the source of this alien light was: a magic motion picture box! Yes, the overwhelming majority of the homes had this strange box. We even crept up to a couple houses to see what was taking place inside: people of all shapes, sizes, and ages were huddled around this box (or in the case of the huge ones they were back against the opposite wall) mesmorized, spellbound by the hypnotizing light. At one point I actually had to physically pull my entranced wife away from the sight.

All joking aside, it was quite the surprising experience for us both. Yes, we do have a television, but we don't have cable (if that's what the kids are still calling it nowadays). I had forgotten how TV tended to dominate the evenings in most households. Removed as we were from the 'activity' that was transpiring in these homes throughout our neighbourhood, it did seem a strange sight to see individuals and families kneeling before their high-definition altars.

When we returned home from our walk, I made some vanilla rooibos tea for us (and chocolate for my wife to dip), she did some homework, I put on some quiet music (Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata - it seemed somehow appropriate), did the dishes and read a little. We had a nice quiet evening at home.

What did people do before television conquered the evening hours?


  1. I do love an hour of tv each night to unwind. I do have to say though, that when in Kenya, with no electricity, I read more than I've ever read in my entire life.
    There is something really relaxing about Gary and I sitting down on the couch, from 8-9pm, and turning our brains off because the kids are in bed and we can relax!
    Finally, I did buy Gary one of those blinking lights for biking to and from school. He does not use it:(

  2. I use the blinking light when I run, make sure I don't get hit by a car for sure. Especially on rainy days. I remember when kris and I were engaged - a big topic was cablevision - it was very important to kris that he have I gave in. I do enjoy some of the shows, although some days I do find us watching shows just because.

  3. It's 2040 and my husband is in bed. I wish I had the excellent procrastination technique of watching some random (perhaps reality?) TV show, but alas...I suppose I shall sit on the couch and read my textbook instead...
