Monday, February 28, 2011

Commercials that offend me...

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I'm sure there are people out in the blogosphere thinking, 'really, a blog post about something that bugs this guy - yeah, I'm going to read that right away'.  Well yes, it is a post about a commercial that offends me.

I saw this commercial and was tempted to throw something at the television screen.  Well maybe not.  But my very humanity was offended by the idea that our lives are little more than a series of selfish consumer choices.  Really?  Is having a child equal with that trip to Paris?  How about choosing that 'significant other'?  No, I think I'll have the dream home... no wait, the education... no wait... I just can't decide what I want.  Idiots.

Is this what we aspire to?

[That's right folks, the blog post title was in the plural.  I might see another that offends me and post about it.  But I can't imagine ever seeing a commercial that is as offensive to the ineffably majestic potential of human life as this one.]

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